3 Questions To Help You Find Your Life Purpose In 2023

Asking powerful questions is so important to be able to receive the right answers. Let me give you the three most potent questions that will help you find your purpose in 2023.

When we ask the right questions, we always receive the answers we need, sooner or later. That's just always how it happens.  Let me share with you 3 potent questions that can assist you in finding your life-purpose in 2023.

Create uninterrupted space for yourself and meditate on these questions or journal them. It´s important not to overanalyze your answers. Write out your answers very intuitively, without overthinking them. If you don´t get an answer immediately, trust that the answers will reveal themselves to you in divine timing.

Here are the 3 questions, may they activate your deepest soul answers and remembrance.

1. If I only had a few more days/weeks left to live, what would matter the most to me? And how would I spend my time and energy?

2. How would I love to spend my time if money did not exist?

3. If I could change anything in the world what would that be?

To Your Victory,

Hemma from

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The first question: If I had only a few more days/weeks left to live, what would matter the most to me? And how would I spend my time and energy?

The second question: If money would not exist, how would I love spending my time?

The third question: If I could change anything in the world what would that be?

To Your Victory, Hemma from

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