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God's Vision For Your Purpose

God knows your soul and knows what your life's purpose is. Your responsibility is to be in alignment with God's plan for your life purpose and follow the clues God has given you.

Your Life Purpose Is Calling You, But Are You Listening?

Your Life Purpose Is Calling You But Are You Listening0:00/14:501× Are you listening and will you answer the call (your calling) ? To Your Victory And Remembering, Hemma from Imagecredit:

5 Signs You're Here To Co-Create A New Earth

5 Signs Youre Here To Co Create A New Earth0:00/8:501× If you resonate with these 5 signs, part of your purpose is to assist in co-creating the New Earth. The first sign: You have an innate knowing and trust that a better world is possible. The second...

Are We Human Beings Or Human Doings?

Are We Human Beings Or Human Doings0:00/12:271× Let us connect back to our true nature and remember what it truly means to be a human BEING. Living your purpose isn't always about "doing something"... To Your Victory And Remembering, Hemma from

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