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Is There An End Goal To The Human Experience?

Is There An End Goal To The Human Experience0:00/15:571× Does this Human Experience have a purpose to it? Is it all just a coincidence? Are you here on purpose? Or are you just here by accident? And is there a goal? Is there a destination for our...

Humanity's Purpose - 3 Major Things We All Must Remember

You are part of the human collective family. Therefore, you and every other individual on this planet are always co-creating the collective human experience. We all have individual purposes yes, and we all share collective purposes together too. In this post, I'll be sharing with you 3 major...

The Life Purpose Of The Sacred Cacao Medicine

For the last two months, I have been working closely and intimately with the cacao spirit/medicine. It is my honor to be sharing with you some key messages about her purpose. The Cacao Spirit is motherly, feminine energy, therefore I am referring to the medicine as a "She&...

If You Need Clarity On Your Life Purpose, DO THIS

If You Need Clarity On Your Life Purpose DO THIS0:00/11:031× Use this meditation/exercise if you need to get clarity on your life purpose. Doing this step-by-step exercise, preferably for the next 21 days has the potential to open many new doors for you, your life, and...

How To Be(come) NO ONE To Live Your Life Purpose

How To Become NO ONE To Live Your Life Purpose0:00/21:191× Find out what it means to be(come) NOONE so that you can live your true life purpose, here in this podcast episode. To Your Victory, Hemma from Image Credit:

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