Today's podcast episode is about taking the first step to living your life's purpose.
Just like the character from the Game of Thrones, Arya Stark, Arya spent a significant part of her life preparing for her BIG battle with the Night King. When you think about it, Arya's "Life Purpose" was to defeat the Night King, but Arya could not have accomplished that without preparing for the moment.
Just like Arya Stark, you too are preparing for that BIG moment because you have a purpose to fulfill. You have a special gift or talent that you will need to use for that BIG moment, BUT, it may never come if YOU don't take the first step.
We all have a special gift, skill, talent, and purpose that only we can bring to life.
When you develop your gifts, skills, and talents, something extraordinary happens, but if you never took the first step to live your life's purpose, the moment you were born to fulfill doesn't happen and that can have a huge consequence.
We all have "seeds of greatness" inside of us that have the potential to grow massively and beautifully when we nurture and feed them. But for a lot of people, these seeds never get a chance to blossom because people let their fears stop them from taking the first step to living their life's purpose.
Don't let the negative voices in your head stop you from taking the first step. Don't accept doubt. You are more than enough blessed soul. You are perfect, you are beautiful, and you are talented beyond your greatest imagination. Ask your higher self, your Mighty I AM presence, what your first step should be to living your life's purpose, and have faith that the way will be made clear for you.
You may not have the full vision in your mind of what you want to do with your life but trust that whatever your first step is to fulfilling your purpose will be the right step for you. Don't be afraid to walk a new path that no one has ever walked before. Don't be afraid to express the fullness of who you truly are. You are a BIG ONE, which means you are a source of hope, inspiration, and light for others.
If you know you're a BIG ONE and you're ready to unleash your Life Purpose but need support, we got you.
Say YES to your Life Purpose and join the support community.

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